little Indiana and husband, Jeremy, headed off to Kentland, Indiana for a piece of pie at The Good Table Family Restaurant.
When you hear it is homemade, really, there’s just no choice.
The Good Table Family Restaurant in Kentland, Indiana
It’s been said that if men and women are given a choice between pie or cake, women usually choose cake and men choose pie. Except for me! I’d choose a homemade pie any day.
Enter Kentland, Indiana, or, more specifically, The Good Table Family Restaurant. This place was big! I mean, for a small town, it was a really, really good size, and by no means devoid of customers!
After a look at the menu we understood why: good selection and unbelievable prices. Can you say $.80 for a cup of coffee? Yes, that reads cents.
I was in a dessert-y mood and The Good Table Restaurant had a whole case of freshly made pies. What could be better? The hardest part was deciding which one.
Kentland, Indiana Restaurant
I admit I ogled the glass case in this Newton County restaurant for a bit before we sat down. I had to have some idea of what I should order!
It was a tough call between Coconut Cream Pie or Lemon Meringue Pie. They both looked delicious! You can see what I went with in the image above on the left. Talk about mile high!
Hubs chose Pumpkin Pie which is no surprise–it is his favorite! I am assuming it was wonderful judging by how fast it was gone. Those were some flaky, flaky pie crusts.
Go There
Great prices, great pie. Well, I’d certainly like to visit this Indiana town again and taste their actual food. Of course, I’d have to save room for dessert–and another $.80 coffee!
Small Towns: Destinations, not Drive-Thrus! I’m Jessica Nunemaker and THIS is little Indiana!
Find pictures in Indiana on my Flickr photostream or on the new little Indiana Tumblr blog.
Just don’t forget to tell ’em that little Indiana sent you!
The Good Table Family Restaurant
402 W Seymour Street
Kentland Indiana 47971
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