My husband, Jeremy, our two boys, and I were heading to Salem, Indiana. They were all asleep when I blew by CATS Trading Post in Salem, Indiana–turning around, even knowing it would awaken them all, was a no-brainer. Up on a big hill, I’m sure I’m not the only one who realized their error and backtracked to this Washington County antique shop.

CATS Trading Post in Salem, Indiana

CATS Trading Post in Salem, Indiana

CATS Trading Post in Salem, Indiana

You can tell from the outside that this house turned Indiana antique shop was going to be good. Walking up to the doorway I caught sight of orange and brown-colored bundles scattered all over. They were up by the porch of the house, they were scattered by the fence, and in a huge pile. I had no idea what it was but figured it was a leftover Autumn flower of some sort. Little did I know that it was actually piles of geodes.

Apparently this area of Salem, Indiana is absolutely littered with geodes. The owner of CATS Trading Post stated that he only started selling them two years ago (he’s been open for 11 years) and can’t believe he didn’t think of it sooner. For people like me (and especially our boys) you can’t find these in our part of Indiana. It’s unique and really fun.

What seems commonplace and like nothing special here to those living in Southern Indiana is definitely unique and unusual to travelers like us. Yes, we let each of our boys pick one out. As town souvenirs go, $5 is coming away pretty easy.

Salem, Indiana Antique Shop

CATS Trading Post in Salem, Indiana

CATS Trading Post in Salem, Indiana

Inside of CATS Antique Shop, an acronym for Collectibles, Antiques, Tools and Stuff, there is really quite the mix! Antique tool lovers will really enjoy poking around this Indiana town shop–inside and out.

Kid #2 actually wanted to go inside with me this time. He liked look at all the vintage toys and books found in different pockets around the shop. He knows better than to touch them but he liked to point them out.

Ball canning jars, vintage toy trucks of all kinds (including a few that I know I haven’t seen before!), dishware, McCoy pottery, and then some. Every part of this home is full of shelves of great Indiana antiques.

Go There

Things to Do in Salem, Indiana

Outside of CATS Trading Post you’ll have just as much fun! There’s very old farm equipment, I mean, we’re talking horse drawn old farm equipment. as well as loads of metal wheels (even an old wagon wheel inside!), and well, even more metal wheels.

I don’t think I’ve ever seen so many wheels in my life. It’s definitely eye-catching–and another great Washington County antique shop discovery.

If you considered this article helpful, please “like” and share it with your friends or “pin it” to your must see Indiana shops!  Have you been to CATS Trading Post? What sort of items did you enjoy browsing through?  

Small Towns: Destinations, not Drive-Thrus! I’m Jessica Nunemaker and THIS is Little Indiana.

Just don’t forget to tell them that Little Indiana sent you.

CATS Trading Post
3703 Hwy 56 E
Salem, IN 47167

Targeted. Relevant. Affordable! Little Indiana advertising.