This marks another addition to the regular feature here at Little Indiana: Indiana Blogs! If you are an Indiana Blogger, please use the contact form and send me an email. You may be featured right here on Little Indiana.
Robin’s Nesting Place is an Indiana blog with gorgeous photos and amazing do-it-yourself projects that will give you that can-do attitude.
Bird watching fans will especially enjoy this one–the many feeders in her yard provide numerous clear and vivid photo opps. She also loves thrifting and looking for neat things to repurpose into even better things! Intrigued? Dive in.
Indiana Blogs: Robin’s Nesting Place
Why did you start Robin’s Nesting Place?
I started Robin’s Nesting Place April 7, 2007, as a creative outlet. Gardening and nature photography is the main focus but I am also a huge bargain hunter and love to create things from useless junk.
Occasionally I will share a recipe, home decorating project or a craft. So it is basically a hobby blog!
What about that name? Why Robin’s Nesting Place?
Robin’s Nesting Place was chosen because my name is Robin and Nesting Place just seemed to fit the direction I wanted to take the blog.
I love watching the birds and wanted to make my garden a welcoming place for them. I also like to fluff my own nest inside making my home warm and inviting for my family and friends.
What are three of your most favorite posts?
- Hummingbirds: Up Close and Personal — This one is a favorite because it was a thrill to have a hummingbird pose for me all day! It was the end of September, right before this juvenile male flew south for the winter. He was fiercely protective of the feeder and I was able to get within a few feet of him! I watched him for hours!
- DIY Potting Bench from Rummage Sale — This post has probably generated the most traffic to my blog and is a favorite because it was fun to take junk that was either on the street or cost just a few dollars at a garage sale and create something so cute and functional!
- Potting Bench — I guess the same would be said of this post. I took a broken hutch that was given to me and made another potting bench and garden storage for the garage. I had so much fun with this project!
What keeps you ready and raring to post? Why do you blog?
Well, truth be told, life gets in the way of blogging sometimes and I don’t post as often as I’d like, but Robin’s Nesting Place has been a wonderful creative outlet that has presented some opportunities for me that I would have otherwise missed.
I also enjoy the connections I’ve made with other people through blogging!
You take a lot of nature pics–what’s your favorite thing to try to capture with a camera?
I love nature photography! My favorite things to photograph are probably birds and butterflies! It is a challenge to get good pictures of them, especially the hummingbirds.
Have you always been a shutterbug or is this a newer development?
I have had an interest in photography for a number of years but I was late to jump on the digital bandwagon. Once I did, I was hooked!
Life has had some difficult challenges over the last few years and there is something that is healing and a wonderful distraction for me when I hold my camera, look through that lens and get lost in the possibilities. I love nature photography because it captures details that are often missed and I am frequently in awe of God’s amazing creation!
You get one superpower. Just one. What would it be?
I would rid the world of evil so that no child or animal is ever harmed or abused.
Is there anything else that you would like little Indiana readers to know?
I had the wonderful privilege during 2012 gardening season to be on the “Lowe’s Creative Ideas Creator and Influencers blogger network”! I will be doing that again during the 2013 season as well! I also sell my photography cards at Logan Village Mall downtown Noblesville!
Nature Photographer Extraordinaire
If this Hoosier’s images haven’t put you in the mood for Spring then I don’t know what will. Thanks to Robin for popping over to Little Indiana today.
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