I’ve had my nose in a book ever since my return from That Book Place in Madison, Indiana!
If you enjoy saving a few bucks (and in this economy, who doesn’t) then you will love the huge gently used selection of books at this Jefferson County book store.
That Book Place in Madison, Indiana
You know that bookstore smell? Someone needs to figure out how to bottle it. I just love it!
I also love rows and rows and ROWS of books. Every genre, every kind of author, and, get this: they are alphabetized, too. I know, that’s rather impressive.
My husband took off looking for a series he’s been hooked on while I took the boys to the floor to ceiling shelves that housed the children’s books. They were thrilled!
Madison, Indiana Bookstore
Looking at all the kids books really brought back some memories! The Babysitter’s Club series, Cam Jansen, and one of my favorites as a kid: Behind the Attic Wall by Sylvia Cassedy. So many of my much-loved books of an earlier time were all right here!
I browsed around. The children’s section is easy to spot so I could keep half an eye on the kids while meandering around the rest of the shop.
Wow. What a shop it is! There are so many shelves of books and then, when the shelves were groaning too much…there’s a whole bunch of bins, too!
Everywhere you look are incredible books at amazing prices. It kind of makes you want to buy them all, you know?
Go There
I love a great Indiana bookstore and That Book Place is certainly on that list! Madison, Indiana is lucky to have such a find!
Stay tuned, because I have more about this Indiana town shop to come–they hold a very big annual event each year that I can’t wait to share with all of you.
Small Towns: Destinations, not Drive-Thrus! I’m Jessica Nunemaker and THIS is little Indiana!
Find pictures in Indiana on my Flickr photostream or on the new little Indiana Tumblr blog.
Just don’t forget to tell ’em that little Indiana sent you!
That Book Place
337 Clifty Drive
Madison, Indiana 47250
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