“What is a Hoosier?” That’s the question IU Press is asking with a new book, “One Day in May.” They are looking to find out. How they answer that question depends entirely on you.
New Crowd-Sourced Book Celebrates Hoosier Life

“One Day in May” New Crowd-Sourced Book from IUPress Looking for Photographers (Image Courtesy of IU Press)
The Press is looking for images taken on May 20, 2016. For twenty-four hours, these images will represent everything a Hoosier is and loves, with a new crowd-sourced book, “One Day in May: 24 Hours in the Life of Indiana.” It will be published this fall to help celebrate Indiana’s big 200th birthday.
As IU Press shares, “One Day in May will be a visual celebration of a state two hundred years young—a remarkable, one-of-a-kind kaleidoscope capturing a Hoosier’s world on this particular day. Through their own photographs, Hoosiers will reveal their passage through an ordinary Friday, from city streets to farmyards, offices to homes, state parks to campuses.”
We already know that Indiana is a great state to live, right? If you have been following along Little Indiana for any length of time, then you also know that there are plenty of interesting tucked away places. So, here’s my plea for you. Take this opportunity to highlight the little places where you live. Show off what’s wonderful and interesting and your everyday. It won’t be like anything else.
Our State, In Pictures
You’ll have twenty-four hours on May 20, 2016 to take your best shot. From midnight to 11:59 PM, it’s all about you.
“This is an unprecedented and exciting undertaking. Hoosiers and Americans alike will have the opportunity to glimpse a typical day in the life of an entire state,” said Gary Dunham, Director of IU Press and Digital Publishing. “Even better, it will be through the eyes of Hoosiers themselves, who know this state as so much more than corn and auto racing.”
Image requirements
- Must be an Indiana image appropriate for display to the general public
- Image must be in color
- Image should be around 1800 pixels wide and 2700 pixels tall
- The file must be at least 300 dpi, high quality, jpg or tiff file
One Day in May Photo Contest Submission Guidelines
You may turn in one image per person. These image uploads are due by Sunday, May 22, at 11:59 p.m. You must include a caption, the time taken, the city and location, a description, and the photographer’s credit (your name). You may not use images taken by someone else.
Those who are chosen for selection will receive notification via email and a free copy of the book after it is published. ONLY photos taken on May 20, 2016 will be used for this book.
For more information, please visit the IU Press website.
What is a Hoosier?
How will you answer the question, “What is a Hoosier?” For me, it will be about exploring a little bit of our neck of the woods. We’ll be tromping through some of our favorite places to answer the question. What about you? Where will you go, what will you do, and most importantly, who will you be spending it with?
See more. Explore our Hoosier small towns with “Little Indiana: Small Town Destinations.” It’s available wherever books are sold (and online) in all of your favorite places.
Small Towns: Destinations, not Drive-Thrus! I’m Jessica Nunemaker and THIS is Little Indiana.
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