Find Glass Cupboard Antique Mall in Knightstown, Indiana.
Located right downtown, this Henry County antique shop holds plenty of vendors!
Glass Cupboard Antique Mall in Knightstown, Indiana
Well-lit and nicely arranged, this Indiana antique shop has plenty of items to browse! With over 5,000 feet of selling space, you can bet there’s something interesting to see!
It’s almost like one big maze though still supremely easy to navigate. Walk through the pathways that open up into various vendor spaces.
Each one is unique. Some specialize in furniture, others in glassware, and still others in vintage books or even clothing!
Knightstown, Indiana Antiques
The oldest, also known as Kid #1, loved the selection of books here!
There were many wonderful old titles! I especially enjoyed that they didn’t sticker the front of them, thus damaging the covers forever, but instead had a string and price tag kind of setup.
For those of you looking for great vintage postcards, there were several containers of organized postcards too! Conveniently arranged by state, it was really easy to find just what you need. The bargain bags are a very good deal.
I guess there’s no mystery as to what state I was rifling through!
Go There
Glass Cupboard Antiques holds its own in downtown Knightstown. Different enough from other shops along the main drag, it is a worthwhile destination.
As always, please call ahead before making a special trip!
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Glass Cupboard Antique Mall
115 E Main Street
Knightstown, Indiana 46148
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