Windell’s Cafe in Dale, Indiana is probably one of the places that have garnered more emails from readers urging me to go and try their pie than almost anywhere else. So finally, Little Indiana and family went and ate a piece of pie. I know, it’s not like anyone had to drag me there, especially not with such rave reviews like that.
Windell’s Cafe in Dale, Indiana
While Dale, Indiana may be a super tiny town, it is clear that Windell’s Cafe is the local hangout. We showed up at a strange time and there were still other folks around eating pie or drinking coffee. We were arriving at a strange time as well. It was in-between lunch and dinner. You know, the perfect time to have a slice of pie. Pie hour? Is that a thing? Let’s make that a thing, okay?
Since we knew what we wanted right away, we made sure to ask about pie. Did they have any left? We were glad to hear that they did! Our waitress gave us the rundown of pie. Wow. There’s a lot of homemade goodness to choose among.
After a bit of discussion, to make sure that no one chose the same pie, and that everyone ordered a slice of pie that they enjoyed, I choose the coconut cream pie. My husband, Jeremy, snagged the cherry pie, and the boys shared a chocolate cream pie. I was surprised. My husband is usually all about chocolate cream pie, while the boys always go for fruit pies.
Dale, Indiana Restaurant
Really, though, we sampled each other’s generous slices. They looked so good we had to try forkfuls of each other’s hefty slabs. My goodness. This Spencer County restaurant knows their homemade desserts.
The height of that meringue on my slice of Heaven, I mean, coconut cream pie, was awesome–and delicious. It was everything a pie should be. Bravo, Windell’s Cafe. You should be proud. Your good work has certainly snagged you your fair share of fans.
You should know that Windell’s Cafe is nothing fancy. They have really good food, ample seating, and amazing pie. Friendly folks. Just the way I like it. What more could you need?
Go There
Judging from the number of seats in this Indiana town restaurant, I would imagine it gets busy–so for the best selection of pie, you might want to keep that in mind.
Edited to Add: After twenty years of serving the area (and beyond), the owners of Windell’s Cafe, Darrel and Betty Jenkins, decided to close. They had had it for sale for a few years, but without any takers, the seven days a week of working were taking their toll. Apparently, this is not the first time the restaurant has closed. Someone always seems to come along, buy it, reopen, and have a good go of it, too.
Small Towns: Destinations, not Drive-Thrus! I’m Jessica Nunemaker and THIS is Little Indiana.
Just don’t forget to tell them that Little Indiana sent you.
Windell’s Cafe
6 W Medcalf Street
Dale, IN 47523
Monday – Sunday: 6 AM – 8 PM
As always, please call ahead to verify hours before making a special trip.
Targeted. Relevant. Affordable! Little Indiana advertising.