This marks another addition to the regular feature here at little Indiana: Indiana Blogs! If you are an Indiana Blogger, please use the contact form and send me an email. You may be featured right here on little Indiana.
Fortville Mama is an Indiana blog that showcases the best of living in Fortville, Indiana!
From local businesses to timely tips, this blog encourages its readers to participate in their small town.
Fortville is a wonderful small town–and these two Fortville Mamas are ready to show you exactly why!
Indiana Blogs: Fortville Mama
Why did you start Fortville Mama?
I started Fortville Mama as a Facebook page in June 2013. I wanted to show people there is so much to do in our own backyard and that Fortville is a great place to put down roots and raise a family. Really a great place not only to live, but to play and work too. I started with just sharing posts from all the local businesses and community event posts, along with featuring giveaways from the local Main Street establishments. People got excited overnight.
It exploded with interest from every corner and the blog was born in August 2013. I was busier than I had ever planned with keeping up with all things people asked me to post and giveaway. I knew I needed help. I got into a conversation one evening with a page follower who was often commenting on posts. That conversation turned into a wonderful blessing, a new friendship and the “perfect mama mix”!
Now Ashley and I co-blog and maintain Fortville Mama together. I live in the heart of town. She lives on a country road a bit outside. I work full time. She is a stay-at-home mom. She raises chickens. I wish I raised chickens. We compliment each other extremely well and in that cover fun topics from both our perspectives about small town life in and around Fortville.
What about that name? Why Fortville Mama?
That’s a simple one. We’re Mamas. We live in Fortville. We like to hang out with other Fortville and surrounding area Mamas.
What are three of your most favorite posts?
- On A Whim
- Mama Tip Tuesday: Canning Five Generations in One Pot
- Friday FortvilleMama Feature – Bed and Breakfast Charm
What keeps you ready and raring to post? Why do you blog?
The blog has given us a wonderful platform to be ambassadors for our quaint small town. We are passionate about showing others the charm that awaits them in Fortville.
There is always something fun going on from library programs, new launches at area businesses, festivals, sports events, plays, musicals and community events. We adore so many of the facets of living in Fortville and are honored to get to share that with others through our blog and social platforms.
What can people expect when they hop onto your blog?
Insights into Fortville’s hot spots, along with fun back stories on the local businesses. DIY tips from our crafty chicken raising Mama, Ashley, via her Mama Tip Tuesday posts. Plus we feature many giveaways throughout the year from the local Main Street businesses.
You live in a small town–what kind of benefits do you think your child is receiving from life in Fortville?
That’s really how we came to live in Fortville. We wanted a different way of life for our kids. Almost four years ago, we were living Fishers. I was driving out to Fortville every day for work. I fell in love with town and people over time and convinced my husband to move. We’ve never been happier.
Ashley also moved to Fortville four years ago. After spending months looking for the perfect house, she toured a few homes in Fortville. Every time she and her family would go into a local business everyone would be so friendly with one another. She often compares home buying to marriage. For example, when you marry someone you not only marry them but also their family and buying a home is the same way. You become part of a community.
It’s a great community to raise children. People still wave and smile. Our kids play in the yard and have many friends on our block. We can walk to the library, the park, the ice cream parlor and the coffee shop. There are parades and festivals. It’s a different way of life. A slower paced life. We find we have more time as a family. Our children’s lives are enriched by being surrounded by so many amazing people in the community. It’s kind of like Cheers, everybody knows your name. You don’t get lost in the crowd. Plus there is so much local fresh all around us. Both Ashley and I love being close to so many local growers. There is nothing like local fresh, and we often feature our fresh finds in the blog.
What do you think is the best part of living in a small town like Fortville?
I have to say the people. They really care, not only about their neighbors but about the town and making it the best it can be for future generations, but still staying true to the essence of small town life. Recently we were named an Indiana Main Street Community. It’s a distinction the whole community is extremely proud of and has really set us apart.
Are there any challenges to small town life? I think there are always challenges no matter where you live. I think the thing most challenging for me is that stores close earlier around here than establishments closer to bigger cities. If you need something from the store and it’s late, you find yourself heading to Geist or Lawrence to grab what you need.
Is there anything else that you would like little Indiana readers to know about you or your blog?
We want to encourage and inspire readers to enjoy life right in their own backyard and explore the many facets of their own communities. Especially our fellow neighbors in Fortville! We also enjoy sharing from our personal and family experiences, whether here in Fortville or around Indy.
Keep an eye out on Mama Tip Tuesdays this year. Expect some frugal tips from Ashley’s family, who will be focusing on paying off debt. We cannot wait to show everyone what the Fortville Mamas and our charming town have to offer in 2014!
Hoosier Proud
What a fun and fantastic way to highlight the goings on in a small Indiana town. Thanks to Jen and Ashley for sharing their world today!
Small Towns: Destinations, not Drive-Thrus! I’m Jessica Nunemaker and THIS is little Indiana!
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