Adams Mill Covered Bridge in Cutler, Indiana is in an absolutely beautiful area!
However, this Carroll County covered bridge is a prime example of a side of Indiana that not everyone realizes even exists.
Adams Mill Covered Bridge in Cutler, Indiana
When so many people think of Indiana, cornfields and soy bean fields are the first things that seem to come to mind. I know that’s not all that Indiana has to offer!
Forested, hilly, and generally a lovely area to travel around, this Cutler, Indiana bridge is in a lovely area.
What is it with me and Indiana covered bridges, anyway? It could be the way the light falls between the (sometimes rather) crooked slats. It might be the sense of history behind it or it just may very well be because it’s something you just don’t see every day.
Cutler, Indiana Covered Bridge
I love the feeling of generations behind aged structures of our past like the Adams Mill Covered Bridge.
The Adams Mill Covered Bridge has been around a few years. You know, since 1872! Like the covered bridge in Roann, Indiana that was built in 1877, you can also drive over it! In fact, you might be able to hop out of your car and take a quick pic or two before anyone else appears. Just saying.
In fact, heading across this covered bridge will take you right to scenic Adams Mill. The (many) floors of which you can poke around and admire the artifacts of long ago. We really loved that (Kid #1 thought it was lots of fun).
Go There
Adams Mill covered bridge is just another neat highlight in the ever-growing list of awesome things found in and around Indiana towns!
I can only imagine how nice this area is in the Autumn when the leaves are turning color.
Small Towns: Destinations, not Drive-Thrus! I’m Jessica Nunemaker and THIS is little Indiana!
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Adams Mill Covered Bridge
500 S 75 E
Cutler, Indiana 46920
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