The Tyson Temple United Methodist Church in Versailles, Indiana is incredibly unique.
Gazing up at this lovely church, I feel like I’ve transported back to the 1930s and the heyday of Art Deco. It was a style that embraced symmetry and leaned toward the technological side of things. Yet, it wasn’t cold or sterile. Extravagant touches were the norm and made every Art Deco building look wonderfully vintage yet almost space age at the same time. Do you know what I mean? No matter where you rest your eyes on this Versailles, Indiana church, there are many rounded elements: pillars, walls, windows. It gives the building a great look and feel.
It’s a touching tribute to the late mother of James “Uncle Jim” Tyson who funded its construction. Inside, there is a constellation of “stars” that mimic the same sky on the night his mother passed away. Now that is one son who adored his mother! James Tyson, in case you didn’t know, was the founder of Walgreens. No expense was spared–and it shows. It’s a unique Indiana church that you really don’t want to miss. They just don’t make ’em like they used to!
Images from Tyson Temple United Methodist Church in Versailles, Indiana
Small Towns: Destinations, not Drive-Thrus! I’m Jessica Nunemaker and THIS is little Indiana!
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Tyson Temple United Methodist Church
324 West Tyson Street
Versailles, Indiana 47042
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