Lakeview Orchards in Rockport, Indiana may have loads of peaches during the warmer months, but when Autumn rolls around, apples and pumpkins and freshly canned jams and jellies are waiting!
This was such a gorgeous drive! We drove along the country road before the leaves turned. I can only imagine how lovely it must look when all of the peach trees are in their seasonal colors.
Make sure to call ahead before driving out for this one. It’s so cute and a great local option! While you are there, be sure to explore the rest of the fun in Rockport, Indiana!
Lakeview Orchards in Rockport, Indiana
Small Towns: Destinations, not Drive-Thrus! I’m Jessica Nunemaker and THIS is little Indiana!
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Lakeview Orchard
2315 N Orchard Road
Rockport, Indiana 47635
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