"Undeniably Indiana" Call for Writers

“Undeniably Indiana” Call for Writers

What defines the state of Indiana? Is it our penchant for giant pork tenderloin sandwiches? What about sweet corn or sugar cream pie? Could it be more than food like, race cars, bridges, and larger than life legends? We always love a good gangster story!

Well, this is what Indiana University Press, you know, the folks also publishing “little Indiana: Small Town Destinations in early 2016, are trying to find out. They want to hear your stories!

Call for Writers for “Undeniably Indiana”

“Undeniably Indiana” is a book about the state of Indiana written by the people of Indiana, past and present! Who knows her better than we do? And, what publisher wold be more appropriate than one located right here in Indiana!

If you, like me, are tired of giant websites hiring writers who don’t even live in the state of Indiana, to pen articles talking about our state as though they do, this book is for you.

If you are tired of reading negativity about our state, this book is for you.

If you have a story to tell–this book is most definitely for you! Anyone wishing to submit an article for inclusion in the book has until September 1, 2015. Current and former Hoosiers are welcome.

How to Submit Your Story

They are looking for submissions that will range between 500-1000 words. They want “weird and unusual facts, trivia, quirky people and distinctive places, legends, etc.” according to a recent email.

Yes, I will even be in there too. I couldn’t resist an opportunity to share my love for Indiana and all her wackiness! Because, you know, once you have lived here for any amount of time, you hear and learn about some pretty ridiculous things!

This is exactly the kind of book that I love to read. I know that you will, too! They publish good books–I know I can’t wait to dig in to this one!

So, start sharing this article with your friends and family, those people who always tell the best stories, who seem to know everything about where they live, and urge them to write it down for everyone to read. Share it on your social networks like Facebook and Twitter. The more people we reach, the better!

Be a Part of “Undeniably Indiana”

What better way to celebrate Indiana’s big birthday than with a crowd-sourced book of highlights, the best of the best?

Keep up with the latest submissions and excellent Indiana trivia on theUndeniably Indiana” Facebook Page ! In fact, that’s also where you can submit your Indiana-related essay.

To keep up on the latest book releases, visit  the IU Press website.

Small Towns: Destinations, not Drive-Thrus! I’m Jessica Nunemaker and THIS is little Indiana!

Just don’t forget to tell ’em that  little Indiana sent you!

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